Cosmos Smart Contract Audit

Get a Cosmos Security Audit Report by experienced HashEx auditors
  • 6+

    years of successful experience in blockchain security

  • $3.8bln

    saved of investors funds

  • 2,300+

    customers and partners

Why is a Cosmos audit important?

Cosmos Network is a decentralized expanding ecosystem of interoperable blockchain apps.

Cosmos has quickly become a welcoming space for developers and users alike. Calling it ‘the Internet of blockchains’, Cosmos developers aim to provide the most convenient space for projects to thrive. Thanks to Cosmos SDK, anyone can build not just apps, but PoS blockchains. And that’s where safety becomes a priority. HashEx provides high-quality security audits on Cosmos to help create a reliable platform.

Build a Blockchain

Cosmos allows the building of faster and more affordable blockchains at a smaller cost than platform chains. With high performance, it attracts more and more users every day.


Cosmos offers a growing decentralized ecosystem of tokens, wallets, and tools, with interconnected applications and services.

Large Community

A vital element of Cosmos is its community of developers and users, who share a common goal of creating a safe space for nurturing promising ideas.

Do you need a Cosmos audit?

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Cosmos Security Audit by HashEx


HashEx possesses vast experience in auditing smart contracts, apps, and blockchains. These skills make the company uniquely qualified for working with such ambitious platforms as Cosmos.

Thorough Audits

Upon finishing an audit, HashEx provides a detailed report that lists all the discovered issues and provides recommendations on fixing them. It is beneficial for both developers and users, who choose to put their trust in Cosmos.

HashEx Values

Security is the main goal of HashEx professionals. Every audit is treated with attention: we know that the reputation of both HashEx and Cosmos depends on our work.

Our most popular audits

HashEx works with the most well-known blockchain brands


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