Staking Audit

HashEx offers staking audits for new and existing projects. In a detailed coherent report, expert auditors provide an overview of existing issues.
  • 6+

    years of successful experience in blockchain security

  • $3.8bln

    saved of investors funds

  • 2,300+

    customers and partners

Why is a staking audit important?

Staking is the process of holding a certain token to receive rewards.

This system keeps the token active, while the blockchain puts it to work. For that, it’s imperative to audit the contract and remove all the errors as well as optimize gas spending. Staking also allows the chain to function using the proof of stake consensus mechanism. This makes the token more efficient and environment-friendly. Which makes staking widely popular.

Secure your users’ experience

Deliver a well-functioning yielding system without delays or issues caused by the code.

Protected pool

An audit allows to protect the staking pool from external attacks and makes sure that it’s impervious to internal malicious acts.

Proof of quality

While putting money into a project users will be sure of the project’s quality and the stability of the staking system.

Do you need a staking audit?

Request an Audit

Our most popular audits

HashEx works with the most well-known blockchain brands

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