Marketplaces Audit

HashEx offers marketplace audits for new and existing projects. In a detailed coherent report, expert auditors provide an overview of existing issues.
  • 6+

    years of successful experience in blockchain security

  • $3.8bln

    saved of investors funds

  • 2,300+

    customers and partners

Why is a marketplace audit important?

The Crypto market functions according to its own paradigm, with special marketplaces where the exchanges are happening. Exchanges must be transparent.

Guaranteeing secure transactions is vital to the functioning of the marketplace. Another issue is the necessity to maintain all the features of the marketplace and provide stability to its users. One big case is enough to destroy a marketplace's positive reputation and result in users approaching it with extreme caution or choosing another option.

Pre-emptive measures

An audit will uncover potential issues that may cause loss of funds for users.

Strengthening blockchain reputation

HashEx sets the goal of reaffirming the status of blockchains as a decentralized and secure financial institute.

Simple process to simplify the result

The exchange should be barely noticeable, which is why it has to be done with ease and no issues. An audit helps to optimize every feature of the marketplace.

Do you need a marketplaces audit?

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Our most popular audits

HashEx works with the most well-known blockchain brands

We conduct other types of audits

  • DAO auditDAO audit

    Decentralized autonomous organizations serve as a platform for using blockchain. In this sense, the security of these platforms is vital for all users.
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  • DApp auditDApp audit

    Decentralized applications run on blockchains and operate through smart contracts instead of being operated by people or organizations.
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  • DEX auditDEX audit

    Decentralized crypto exchange platforms are peer-to-peer cryptocurrency swap platforms. Without any centralized regulation, the security of DEXs relies solely on the users and the smart contracts upon which the system works.
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